Wednesday, July 21, 2010

AS9100 Transition Training and Changes

The International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) recently issued a letter on transition training for aerospace auditors. This training is a key element in the transition to the AS9100C, AS9110A, and AS9120A standards, as well as, use of the common AS9101D audit requirements standard.

All Aerospace Auditors (AA) and Aerospace Experienced Auditors (AEA) must complete Aerospace Auditor Transition Training (AATT) to be authenticated for auditing the new aerospace 2009 standards.

AS9100: This IAQG-Sanctioned AATT course has online and instructor-led components. The online component consists of an online initial examination and an online module titled, "Foundations: Understanding 9100". The instructor-led component is a 4-day course and includes an evaluation and examination.

Classroom: Instructor-led training is required for auditors seeking AS9100C and AS9110A authentication. AS9120A training does not include an instructor-led course. As previously stated, AS9100C instructor-led training is a pre-requisite for AS9110A and AS9120A training.

For more information on the IAQG-sanctioned Aerospace Auditor Transition Training, go to this Plexus web page.

AS9100C Changes. Let's look at a few of the key changes in the standard and identify important process points.

A. Expanded Scope from aerospace to aviation, space and defense organizations to better reflect the full range of users of AS9100.

B. Risk Management: This process defines the steps, sequences and interactions an organization must perform to ensure risks are properly handled. When risks are identified and communication is received, an assessment of these risks will be performed to determine potential impacts. Direct links to risk can be found in 3.1, 7.1.1, 7.2.2 7.4.1 & 8.5.3. Point: A formal, documented process must be established, implemented, and maintained covering responsibility, risk criteria, mitigation, acceptance and communication throughout product realization, including evidence of this system (this is much more than inserting the verbatim language/requirement on paper and stating our "sales personnel perform this").

C. Configuration Management: Moved from clause 4.3 to 7.1.4. The move and expanded scope provides focus of this requirement during product realization. Added ISO 10007 sections (a-e). Point: Have you defined what, who and how (a-e example: config ID & audit) are executed, controlled, and valid objective evidence)? Configuration management is aimed to know at any time the "as designed" and the "as built" configuration of products in order to ensure fit for use of these products.

D. Project Management: Project management has been added to the standard outlining requirements on planning and managing product realization risks, resources and schedule. Point: Most aviation, space and defense products are complex and involve multi-tier partners and suppliers and project management provides additional focus on upfront planning and the management of project plans throughout product realization.

E. Customer Satisfaction: This requirement defines mandatory measures (e.g. customer performance indicators) that all organizations of all sizes and complexity must monitor), analyze and review to assess if improvement is needed. If action is needed, improvements must be planned and implemented and the results of the action must be evaluated to check their effectiveness. Point: A formal improvement process (example- PDCA) can ensure method, evidence, and evaluation of effectiveness.

F. Monitoring and Measurement of Processes: The Achilles' heal - poorest evidence requirement we witness in documentation and measurable business performance improvement evidence. "Demonstrate the ability of processes to achieve planned results" (look beyond Management Review Inputs). Point: A note has been added to provide guidance on how an organization may go about determining appropriate process monitoring and measurement methods. It requires that the organization determine if the process nonconformity is limited or if it has affected other processes or products.

SES is currently working with a number of aerospace firms to achieve a successful and measurable transition. Contact Us for all your AS9100C training, documentation assistance, process improvement and internal auditing needs.


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